Recently I was lucky enough to have attended the ‘EMECG’ course in Cape Town, SA. It was a 2-day event that took place at the beautiful V&A waterfront. Not a bad backdrop to learn about ECGs #emecg — Robert Lloyd (@PonderingEM) April 11, 2015 The faculty delivered high yield, EM-centric ECG education in a […]
Pondering Paeds: Buckle In!
Author: Dr. Katie Knight I believe that anything we do in the paediatric emergency department should aim for the most streamlined care pathway and least hassle for the child, parent and whole family. Quality improvement projects that change something to achieve the above are right up my street. I was involved in introducing a new […]
Precordial Stab
I am currently on a 3-month elective in Cape Town, South Africa. I’m experiencing an awesome city, sampling a new flavour of emergency medicine, and getting exposed to some regular major trauma (an area of EM I am interested in, but have had minimal experience with so far). On day 3, I was involved in an amazing case… ‘If […]
Pondering Paeds: Bloods, Sweat and Tears
Author: Dr. Katie Knight We’ve just had the big 6-monthly changeover in junior doctors across London, cue many nervous looking F2s, GP trainees and EM trainees setting foot in paediatric A&E for the first time. Aside from the dreaded paediatric trauma call, the thing that really freaks a lot of junior doctors out is sticking […]
Journal Club: ‘Changes in Medical Errors after Implementation of a Handoff (Handover) Program’
The ED is usually the only part of the hospital that has multiple doctors and nurses working at full speed 24 hours/day. A night shift as an ED registrar rarely allows for a wink of sleep, and we are constantly chopping and changing between day and evening shifts when not on night duty, punishing our bodies. Finishing work on […]
Case 3: Demon in a Bottle
The Case… A 51-year-old man self-presents to your inner city ED one Friday evening; he’s complaining of mild abdominal pain and shortness of breath. A quick scan of his old notes at triage shows a background of Chronic Liver Disease secondary to alcohol. He does not appear in distress and is haemodynamically normal, so is […]
Paging the Cardiology Registrar: Acute Coronary Syndrome in the ED
Author: Yousif Ahmed (see bio below) Pondering Cardiology in the ED The first thing I would like to speak about is the relationship between Cardiology and the Emergency Department, and the unavoidable changes encountered over the last few years. A large proportion of patients with acute cardiac disorders first present to the ED. This is […]