About Nick
Nick Adkins is a healthcare executive and serial healthcare entrepreneur from Nashville, Tennessee. He is the creator of the exponentially growing #pinksocks movement. #pinksocks is a global community trying to the positively affect the world, largely through a variety of missions within healthcare and #digitalhealth.
Nick used to wear a suit and tie to work. After a life-changing experience at Burning Man Festival in 2010 he started wearing a kilt every day and moved to Portland, Oregon. He now spends his time keynoting at conferences around the world about the importance of human connection (usually in the context of healthcare), and focusing on the abundance of love that exists in our world as opposed to media-fuelled fear. He also serves on the advisory board at Cloudbreak Health, a leading telemedicine company in the US.
The Burning Man principle of Gifting gave birth the #pinksocks movement.
Our conversation
00:24 – How I became exposed to Nick’s work
03:46 – Telemedicine
14:05 – Poor uptake of new technology in NHS hospitals/more on telemedicine
28:42 – US healthcare politics
49:15 – Love More Fear Less
51:38 – The #pinksocks story
Want more from Nick?
Find him on twitter – @nickisnpdx
I hope you enjoyed the podcast!
Until next time.
Thank you for interviewing new thought leaders in the world of digital health. It’s reassuring to know that new players are entering this field that for too long has been entrenched in old paradigms and out dated business models. Keep the information flow going so the rest of know the options that we need to request from health care institutions and government.