As the nights get longer and the weather gets cooler emergency departments across the UK will see an increase in unwell children. The vast majority will have a self-limiting illness and can be safely discharged with appropriate safety netting. The emergency clinician’s role is crucial in identifying the children that require an in-patient stay. Infants with cough, […]
An EM Trainee’s Learning Points from ESICM LIVES 2016
I had the opportunity to attend the European Society of Intensive Care Society (ESICM) annual conference in Milan this month. It was an interesting conference with expert speakers from all over the world of critical care. The conference spanned three days, and all talks were only 15 minutes followed by 2 questions. This post is a summary […]
Case 6: The Chest Pain Patient With Stripes
The Patient You are on a busy evening shift in resus. An 88 year-old man is brought in by ambulance with chest pain. The nursing staff have recorded initial observations, obtained IV access and got an ECG whilst you referred your last patient to the medical on-call team. The paramedics have handed over to a nurse […]
Case 5: Fever in a Returned Traveller
The Case You arrive in the ED for a late shift. It’s early Autumn and not that busy. You’re stationed in majors, and pick up your first patient. A 23 year old final year medical student. They’ve self-presented and the triage sheet says the following: 2/7 fever, diarrhoea and a rash. You head to see the patient in […]